Saturday, November 11, 2006

FARKEL - The Drinking Game??

For those of you that don't know Farkel, it is a dice game similar to Yahtzee. The basic rules are as follows:


Roll six dice. Decide which dice you will use for score, and set those aside. Roll the remaining dice. Again, decide which dice you will use for score, and set those aside. Repeat until you wish to stop, or have no more dice to roll.

If you choose to roll, and cannot use any dice for scoring, you foreit all points for that turn, and lose your turn - this is called a FARKEL. Also, you cannot combine points from multiple rolls. Example, if you roll a one in your first roll, and two ones in your second roll, you cannot combine them into three ones. They each count individually.

When someone hits 10,000 pts, all other players get one turn. Winner is the highest score over 10,000. You must attain 500 pts in a single roll before you can begin accumulating points.


Results - Points
Individual Ones (1) - 100 pts
Individual fives - (5) 50 pts
3 Ones - 300 pts
3 Twos - 200 pts
3 Threes - 300 pts
3 Fours - 400 pts
3 Fives - 500 pts
3 Sixes - 600 pts
4 of a kind - 1000 pts
5 of a kind - 2000 pts
6 of a kind - 3000 pts
Straight 1-6 - 1500 pts
Three Pairs - 1500 pts
Two Triplets 2500 pts

To make it a "party game", add the following scoring/rules:


Results - Action
Individual Six - Lose an article of clothing
Pair of Sixes - Choose someone to lose an article of clothing
Pair of Twos - Take a drink
Pair of threes - Choose someone to drink
Pair of fours - Take two drinks
Small Straight (1-5 or 2-6) - Subtract 500 pts from any player
Rolling a FARKEL on first roll of turn - Do a shot
Losing 500 pts on a FARKEL - Play one turn nude

Typically, an "article of clothing" does not include jewelry, or one part of a set (you don't wear one sock or one shoe, so they both come off).

If you choose to use the pair of sixes, pair of threes, or small straight, those dice are out of play. Single six, pair of twos and pair of fours you can roll again, if you choose.

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